A garden consult is the place to start, whether you simply want to brainstorm ideas and ask all of your horticultural questions, or you know you want a full design plan.

What to expect: garden consults typically last from 1.5-2 hours and take the format of a property walk with discussion throughout. It can be as big-picture or specific as you’d like. After the consult, I will send a summary of my notes and any recommendations. I may sketch to illustrate a point onsite, but I do not generally do plan view drawing for a consult.

Flat fee within 25 miles of downtown Greenville; travel charges will apply for greater distance; please inquire via the contact page for more details!



Maybe you need to set the stage for a new home build or you have an existing home and plan to bite off a piece at a time? It always helps to have a vision for the end goal even if you are approaching it in stages. Or perhaps there is one specific area you wish to develop, like a front entry, new pool area, or perennials garden. Either way, I like to stay involved through the installation process and can recommend trusted contractors for whatever the project requires.

After a garden consult visit, we can work out an expected fee range based on the size and complexity of your needs; please inquire via the contact page for more details!



Planning and then planting a garden is just the beginning of a new relationship.

Whether you work with me to create a brand new garden or you have a mature garden, every garden requires ongoing design input and shaping. I do not offer maintenance but I can teach you or guide your maintenance professionals in best practices, ongoing garden development and seasonal adjustments and edits (especially true for highly dynamic areas like perennial and kitchen gardens), specialty plant sourcing, or assistance with outdoor furniture, accessories, or planter selections.

Consulting is billed hourly, and we can create a schedule for visits based on your individual needs; please inquire via the contact page for more details!